8/11/21 – Meeting called to order at 7:05 pm by Rafa Valiente
Dawn Molinaro read the minutes from the 5/18/21 meeting. Kathie Tam made the motion to approve and Chrissy McAnally. Motion passed.
Randy Smith, treasurer will be resigning as of today, August 8, 2021 and moving to Westlake HS. Kathie Tam made the motion to nominate Jeff Gonzales to replace Randy Smith as Treasurer for the 2021-22 season. Sommer Boecker 2nd the motion. Motion passed. Jeff will become the treasurer effective immediately.
Jr./Sr. Picnic was held on 8/8/21 at the Memorial Veterans pool. It was a great success. All coaches and their families were in attendance and their photos were taken for the new season.
Coach Q would like our social media presence promoted more heavily. We need someone to take on this job on all social media platforms. Anyone that is interested should contact Rafa, Kathie or Heather Mason. Dawn will send KXAN clip of Coach Q’s interview.
We did have a pellet log BBQ pit donated to us and we will sell raffle tickets in September for a fundraiser.
We will have a concessions clean up day on 8/14 at 8 am to clean up the CP concessions and also at Gupton on Sunday 8/15. Sign up genius will be set up for this event.
There will be a Booster Club Board training at CPHS at the lecture hall from 6-8 pm on 8/25/21. All new board members are strongly encouraged to attend. Board members who have served previously are also asked to attend if possible.
Senior Mom photos will be 8/21 at 11:30 am at the CP field house.
UIL has committed to allowing games to be live streamed. We will use Vype again this season with audio (Home and Away). We will not be required to pay for the video portion of any games. All end users will pay for access to live streaming.
Michael Johnson is in charge of the Timber Crew. New Timber is here and looks great! He has 7-8 guys on the team, but needs 2 more if possible.
“Meet the Timberwolves” will be 9/1/21. Will be held on the field at CPHS. Phillip Pearce will be getting all table/chairs organized for each group. Mr. Sloan is still deciding on if players can sign posters. Kathie will get us information as soon as we have. We will be selling spirit wear and have Timber on the field.
We will be continuing “Tuesday Night with the T’Wolves” with Brad Cone. We will not be using Maggiore’s as our venue. Rafa and others are looking into other venues and have a good prospect that we should have information on soon.
Website update- Coach’s photos and bios will be uploaded soon. Website will also be updated as to sponsors/schedules/social media, etc.
Golf Tournament- Chad Henderson said that due to availability of golf course, schedules for Texas football and bye week, response had been extremely low and attendance would not be were we needed it to be to make the tournament a success. We will be postponing the event until next July. Rafa made the motion to reschedule the golf tournament until next July. Sommer Boecker 2nd. Motion passed.
Treasurer’s Report-
Final 6K payment was made for Coach’s headsets.
New Timber was paid for.
18K behind due to low Blitz card sales. We budgeted 30K and took in 12K.
All other expenses are within budget.
Dawn Molinaro suggested we have a sign made for the weight room to name it the “Sweeney Weight Room” due to their large donations over the past year. Will get pricing and ask for final approval.
Fundraising Report-
Luke Wilson emailed 74 businesses to ask for sponsorship. No engagement.
He will be getting a new letter from Coach Q to release to sponsors from the last 2 years and reach out to more businesses.
Spirit Wear report-
Trailer has been inventoried and website is up to date. Sold all youth (old apparel) to CPYFA. Gave new coaches the opportunity to choose polos from previous year’s apparel since most had no CP gear. New items have been ordered and will be ready by the Westlake scrimmage. Dawn Molinaro made the suggestion to make“Welcome to the CP family” bags for coaches (HS and MS). Most items were donated by Signature Lane Marketing and prior year’s inventory from SW. Rafa made the motion to move forward with the coach’s bags. Kathie 2nd. Chad Henderson donated $300 to the cost for coaches. Motion passed for the booster club to cover any outstanding costs not covered by donations.
Membership Report-
220 kids in the program. 128 signed up for membership in booster club.
Yard signs have been ordered.
Photo Committee- need Freshman and JV photographers!
New Business-
Chrissy McAnally said that the sign up genius is all up for everything: meals/concessions/Saturday breakfast, etc.
If you are a volunteer, please make sure you are signed up with LISD to have background check.
Meeting was adjourned at 7:58 pm
Download Minutes: CPHSFBBC_MINUTES_8.11.21